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Dr. Jewell combines a limited clinical practice in Internal Medicine with consulting work as President of Tara Center, LLC. She received her medical degree from the University of Wisconsin Medical School and received further training in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Psychiatry. She has taken graduate courses in Health Promotion, Human and Community Resources at UW-Stevens Point where her graduate studies focused on creating and implementing behavioral change strategies at the clinic and community level. She has completed training at CTI as a life coach and has training in motivational interviewing. She has extensive experience as a caregiver and support system for family members with chronic health problems since 2003.
Her previous clinical practice has been limited to working with patients to modify their health habits and improve their medical conditions like diabetes, cholesterol and risk for heart disease. She currently focuses on orthostatic intolerance conditions.
Her consulting work focuses on policy and reimbursement issues with payers, including patient safety and quality measures. She has worked on the development of education programs for physicians around patient safety and quality measures in the hospital, ambulatory care and long term care settings.
Dr. Jewell has developed working panels of physicians to link clinical experience with quality inititiatives for strokes and diabetes. She has participated in the AMA-Physician Consortium activities and served on workgroups developing physician measures. She has participated in the 2007 IHI seminars, Spreading Change and Engaging With Physicians.
She obtained her Medical Degree from the University of Wisconsin and completed Internal Medicine training at Mount Sinai in Milwaukee. She was the Medical Director for the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King. She served as the first Medical Director for WPS -Medicare in Wisconsin and then as Medical Officer at CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid) in operations and policy development. At CMS (Medicare national office), she worked on the Physician Fee Schedule, the RBRVS Update Committee, on policies for coverage, and nursing home, home care and hospice. After leaving government service, she worked with the UW-Center for Health Services Research and Analysis (CHSRA) on clinical practice guidelines for the quality indicators for nursing homes.
Full Education and Professional Experience and Publications - Click here
Author: Kay E. Jewell, MD
Page Last Updated: July 1, 2012