
Contact Info

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   2801 Marthas Lane.
   Stevens Point, WI   54481

Telephone: +715-345-1905


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About The Orthostatic Intolerance (OI) Center

Our mission:

Our mission is to provide credible, reliable information on one website about orthostatic intolerance for people with OI. Our intended audience is the person with OI, their families, friends and caregivers as well as for all health professionals and members of the healing team providing care to people with OI.

OI has a major impact on a person's life and the lives of those around them. It is challenging to find information to use in everyday life to manage the symptoms, how to not make it worse, how to adjust and make it part of a life full of meaning and connection.

As a caregiver, I know we are busy trying to support our loved one, take care of them when they need it, help find medical and other professional support, make appointments, earn a living, and have a life that includes fun and connection with others. We do not have the time to search the 200 websites and over 500 pages to find information that will help!

As a physician, I know this is a challenge - to identify the problem and to know what to do and have the resources for education. The day-to-day management when starting out and during recovery is challenging. Adjusting the treatment can be as complicated and time-consuming as adjusting medications for people with diabetes. There is little to guide the primary care physician and the therapists who see the people with OI. Our mission is to provide practical, how-to information for physicians, therapists and other members of the healing team.


This website is dedicated to

  • the people with Orthostatic Intolerance (OI), creative, determined people who have learned to doubt themselves because of the reaction of others - when they should have been listened to and congratulated for their courage, strength and insight;

  • parents and caregivers who refuse to believe that this is all there is for their previously-active, involved child/loved one who cannot remember how to spell their name or add or remember holidays; who is challenged to walk stairs or do every day things without getting fatigued; for the parents and caregivers who continue to believe in their loved one; who continue to believe we (the parents and caregivers) are not crazy either or unrealistic; that this is very real and important to deal with; and

  • to the physicians, therapists and other professionals who have stuck by us and done their best to help us find the way to heal and live again.


Kay E. Jewell, MD

    Mother, Caregiver since 2004

    Physician for a lot longer!


LastPage Update: August 8, 2012

* Namasté - From Wikipedia - Namaskār (Devnagari/Hindiनमस्कार) literally means "I bow to [your] form".

  • "I honor the Spirit in you which is also in me."
  • "I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells, I honor the place in you which is of Love, of Integrity, of Wisdom and of Peace. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, we are One."[]
  • "That which is of God in me greets that which is of God in you."[]
  • "The Divinity within me perceives and adores the Divinity within you."[