

Ask Us - Please!

Contact Info

Feel free to contact us.

   2801 Marthas Lane.
   Stevens Point, WI   54481

Telephone: +715-345-1905


For website problems, please send your comments to

We'd like you to ask us your questions - so we can find the answers!

What we have included in this website has come from handouts, articles, our own questions over the years, and people like you. We have been reading the forums and blogs, seeing what questions people have, what they are searching for. That has been what has decided what is included here. It doesn't matter if it is a question for a person with OI, a caregiver question or a healing team question.

Quite honestly, we have only begun to scratch the surface of information and questions. There are many more pages and questions that have been started. But we wanted to get the basics up and available. We will add the others now as we have time.

We will research topics and questions. If I can't find the answer, I will go to the experts to see if they can help. If you healing team has questions, encourage them to share them with us. Or you can share it and we will look for the answer too.

I will be creating a form for you to fill in to ask your questions (as soon as I learn how.) In the meantime, please send me an email - DrKay@theoicenter.com and put "question" in the subject.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Kay E. Jewell, MD

    Mother, Caregiver since 2004
    Physician for a lot longer!

Page Last Updated: July 1, 2012